The official Verlet™ website is published by the Verlet™ company, a simplified joint stock company [SAS] with share capital of €200,000 whose registered office is located at 256 rue Saint-Honoré in the1st district of Paris, FRANCE.

> Head of publication: Cassandra Goncalves
> Contact information: infos @
> Telephone: 01 42 60 91 29
> Address: Verlet, 256 rue Saint-Honoré 75001 Paris
> Paris Corporate Register RCS Paris B 402 641 021
> Business ID number [SIRET] 402 641 021 00017
> Principal activity code [APE] 4729Z; activity classification [NAF] 522P
> EU VAT number: FR 20 402 641 021
> Hosting: OVH OVH: 2 Rue Kellermann – 59100 ROUBAIX – Tel.: 0 820 698 765
> Creation and development: Le Nouvel Appartement and JAO Création

This site constitutes an intellectual creation within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L 111-1 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code [Code de la Propriété Intellectuelle] and this being the case, the Verlet company as its author has protection and rights afforded it by law.
This site is for personal and private use only. Any partial or total representation for other purposes on whatever medium is prohibited, unless the Verlet company as author has granted express prior permission.
Any breach of this prohibition constitutes a breach of intellectual property law that may incur the civil and criminal liability of the perpetrator, and the Verlet company reserves the right to claim full compensation from them.
Trademarks, trade names and intellectual property rights
The Verlet company and/or in a broader sense its affiliated companies are the holders of the rights to the trademarks, company names, trade names, signs and other intellectual property rights, whose existence and validity are expressly acknowledged by users.
No mention is made of rights pertaining to other trademarks, company names, trade names or signs, whether registered or not, that may be attached to certain terms or signs used on this  site. However, no such mention being made in no way means that these trademarks, company names, trade names, terms or signs are not protected.
It is expressly acknowledged and accepted by site users that any and all products, services and technologies described in these documents may be protected by other intellectual property rights for the benefit of the Verlet company or of a third party. No right to use such intellectual property rights is afforded by this notice.

Applicable law and formation of the contract of sale
There is only a contract of sale between yourself and Verlet once Verlet has accepted your order. Such acceptance shall be deemed complete upon dispatch of an email by Verlet confirming that your product has been sent out to you.
For the avoidance of difficulties concerning the law applicable to the contract, the latter shall be seemed to have been entered into in France and shall be interpreted and executed for all intents and purposes in accordance with the laws and regulations in force in France. Any dispute shall be brought before the French courts.

This website allows access to the Verlet company’s data. This means that the site data may include references to products, services or technologies belonging to the Verlet company which are not available in your country. These references being present does not imply that Verlet intends to offer such products, services or technologies in your country.
The information displayed on this site may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors. It may be amended periodically and the amendments incorporated into future releases. The Verlet company may at any time, without prior notice, carry our improvements of or changes to products, services and technologies described on this site.